Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Chapter 7: Part 2 - Seminole Method, Fabric Samples

The following are my series of seminole samples created using my own shibori dyed, monoprinted and stitched fabrics, as well a couple of commercial fabrics. Each one was based upon elements created during the design phase, as posted in the first part of these chapter notes.

(1) Basic seminole patterns created from simple strips sewn, cut and re-pieced:

(2) Slightly more complex strip piecing:

 (3) Strips sewn, cut at an angle and then re-pieced:

(4) Alternating strips:

(5) More alternating strips:

(6) Introducing bleached fabric:

(7)  In this sample I played with mirror images, but this time with fabric. Having had difficulties with this technique when playing with papers, I found working with fabric easier. Four strips were pieced in the ratio of 3:1:2:3, which was then folded in half, and cut at angles, then sewn together to create a zig zag pattern.

(8) The next complex block was created from 4 strips put together in a ratio of 2:1:1:2. This was then cut into 2" and 1" lengths, and then re-pieced in  2:1:1:1:2:1:1:1:2 alternate arrangement.

(9) The following sample combined a number of seminole strips explored in the samples above. Most of the seams were left raw and front facing seams, frayed.

References for all patchwork samples created for Chapter 7:

Strip Patchwork by Valerie Campbell-Harding

The Complete Book of Patchwork, Quilting and Appliqué by Linda Seward


  1. Wow - fabulous samples! I really like the varied strip widths in samples 2 and 8, and sample 9 is just gorgeous - it looks like a banner with the long dangly bits at the bottom. I'd be very tempted to hang that one on the wall, just as it is.

  2. Lovely - I can see how much you enjoyed that chapter!

  3. Thank you both for your lovely comments! Gosh supporting one another really does help keep the spirits up, doesn't it? I am now even more committed to getting through the work! Hope you are both having good studio day :)

  4. Super samples Edith! I particularly like number 9. It works so well because of the lovely coloured and bleached fabrics.
