Saturday, May 7, 2016

Chapter 12, Stage 1

3-D shapes

The four 3-D shapes above were made from felt.
Top left is a cube.
Bottom left is a cylinder.
Bottom right was created from 3 equilateral triangles stitched together to form a pyramid.
Top right was created from 3 squares stitched together to make a triangular tunnel shape.

Looking back over sketches drawn earlier in this module I noticed the rather interesting mis-shapen 'squares' - 4 turned sideways makes a 'diamond' of sorts.

I am especially intrigued by the number of different variations possible when combining squares and rectangles together to generate composite 3 D shapes. I began experimenting and developing the following 3D shape:

I began by cutting 9 small rectangles, each measuring 1 3/4 inch by 1 1/4 inch. Since there were so many tiny pieces of fabric I decided to forgo the pleasure of hand sewing them together, much as I enjoyed stitching by hand for the initial 3 D samples, and instead seamed them together using a narrow machine zigzag.

Next step was to start combining the resulting triangles:

(i) stitched 2 triangles together, this time by hand:


(iii) 3 triangles joined together along the same seam:

Tessellated triangles: